BER Meath, assessor available to complete BERs in Meath. If you have a property in Meath and require a BER please contact:
Colm G Holmes & Associates
Building Energy Rating (BER) Assessors
The website for BER Meath is
A BER indicates the energy performance of a property. (BER Meath, BER Assessor Meath)
It covers energy used for heating, heating of water, ventilation/air conditioning and lighting.
A BER is similar to the energy labels you find on appliances for the home eg. Fridges.
The BER certificate has a scale of A-G. A-rated homes are the most energy efficient and will tend to have lower energy bills. (BER Meath, BER Assessor Meath)
A BER certificate is compulsory for all homes being sold or offered for rent in Meath. If you are buying or renting a house or apartment in Meath, you are entitled to see the BER so ask the seller, landlord or agent for it. This will give you an idea of how energy efficient the house you are buying or renting will be. If it has a BER grade of A it will cost less in energy bills than a house rated G for example.
Along with the BER certificate there is an advisory report which identifies how to improve the energy performance of your property.
A BER is also required for newly built homes. (BER Meath, BER Assessor Meath)
There are some exemptions for example, protected structures and some temporary homes. (BER Meath, BER Assessor Meath)
BER assessments are carried out by registered BER Assessors who have been trained under the National Framework of Qualifications and have registered with SEAI. You should always check that the BER Assessor you are considering is fully qualified and currently registered with SEAI. (BER Meath, BER Assessor Meath)
BER Ashbourne, BER Athboy, BER Ballivor, BER Bettystown, BER Clonard, BER Clonee, BER Donacarney, BER Enfield, BER Gormanston, BER Julianstown, BER Kells, BER Kilmessan, BER Laytown, BER Longwood, BER Mosney, BER Navan, BER Nobber, BER Oldcastle, BER Slane, BER Stamullen, BER Summerhill, BER Trim